Thursday, November 19, 2009

No Wonder It Doesn't Work!

Recent high tides caused a problem to re-occur. The remote 2.5 ton electric lift motors stopped working at high water!! This time we decided to remove the under-the-dock cable and rewire it through the roof of the RYC boathouse. The problem soon revealed itself as soon as the old cable was removed from the conduit pipes... which were not sealed, no watertight unions or bends! As we extracted the cable we found the 5 wire spliced to a another piece of extension cable using wire nuts! What an electrical nightmare especially in a marine environment.... that *&$%@#* electrician should be taken to the end of the RYC dock and administered a particularly brutal Spanish torture with the remaining piece of cable!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Ida Leaves a Wet & Soggy Trail

After spawning in Central America and making a beeline for New Orleans, Hurricane Ida dissipated in Louisiana into a Tropical Storm that arrived in Virginia a day later, then stalled between a high in New England and a low in Georgia and then started moving backwards dumping a lot of rain and generating high winds for 48 hours. The third highest recorded high tide in the Chesapeake had a modest impact at RYC with some dock electrical failures.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Meanwhile somewhere off the Coast of Ireland....

Had to chuckle when I received this video. Last year I received another version, again with a US warship, in a similar confrontation in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay

Watching the ships (ferries) just roll on (shuttle) by.... RYC long
weekend in San Fran.... not much sailing.... but plenty of navigation
using Zagat. Rolling home will be the operative word....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Goose Destiny

If you are a winged fowl passing up or down the Eastern Fly-Way.... beware this may be your fate! Expert restaurateurs at the RYC will grill your duck or goose over oak embers and serve the best of local game dishes with an accompaniment of local farmer's market veggies. The wine cellar offers a wide range of paired vintages from Napa, Sonoma, Rioja, Malbec or Bordeaux wineries. Check our menu.

Happy Tourists in the Creek

Visiting ducks in the creek manage to spend the evening without encounter with orange sauce....

High Tide Warning Today

Watch out for the very high tides in the next few days - get your boat lifts up.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Danny Joe and the John - Captions Needed!

Sometimes you look out of the RYC bay window and see the most amazing sights! This little excursion with the john is crying out for a good line. Send your favorite picture title for this event to me and we will publish it providing the humor is not too sordid...
You never know what we might dredge up!
Is it EPA approved?
Have the Mafia upgraded from concrete boots?
Is this a blatant case of illegal dumping?
Filming another Flomax ad?