Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bio Bay night swim

On the southern coast of Vieques lies one of the world's most amazing natural experiences that is likened to legal LSD - the bio bay. Best experienced at night without a moon, you kayak into Mosquito Bay (the body plentifully lubricated with eucalyptus and baby oil) and swim in the luminencent waters, energizing the photo sensitive particles with every slight movement, creating milky swirls and trails as your body is in motion. The blue-green light is produced by trillions of micro-organisms - over 750,000 tiny dinoflagellates plankton per gallon of water... (photo from guide book - too risky to take a valuable camera on a trip like this!)

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RYC Expedition to Vieques

Ahoy there matey! Coastal surges and riptide warnings for Vieques, the swell was so strong the local ferry from Puerto Rico was unable to dock, so no fresh veggies were available!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to All Members and Friends!

A White Christmas at RYC

One of the worst snow storms on the East Coast in the last 10 years spared us the grief that hit DC and areas further North.... we had a suitably seasonal and scenic six inches, enough to make the festive season in keeping with tradition.....