Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gordon the Navigator

Sadly this week in Tappahannock, Margaret's father Gordon (top right) passed away peacefully at the illustrious age of 87 years. Gordon was a Bomber / Navigator with the 493rd Heavy Bombardment Group with the 8th US Army Air Force and was assigned to Suffolk England in January 1945 with his B17 crew. Having flown his requisite 25 missions over targets in Dortmund, Hamburg, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Kiel, Royan and survived despite horrendous odds, he was sent on another 5 missions and returned safely to the USA in June. When he was introduced to a young German lady Ben brought home after traveling with her across China, Tibet and the Karakoram Highway, Gordon asked where she lived "Oh yes I remember dropping a few bombs on your town!" Gordon is now navigating the celestial heavens...

1 comment:

  1. we were lucky to have met him. we're grateful he served our country and raised such a great woman as margaret.


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