Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Catamaran Cruises Outside our Apartment

After three days of resting, we noticed that there were regular cruises going past our apartment overlooking Bermuda's Hamilton Harbour. Later that day we stopped by the Bermuda Tourism Office and discovered that our creek is an exclusive location of the rich and famous so we made a reservation with Ronnie O'Connor and took the mandatory cruise.... So to our left is the house of Dr. James Martin, famed futurologist (he has the entire Agar Island for his estate), to our center is John Lennon's last retreat where he wrote his last album Double Fantasy before returning to New York and being shot, under us is one of Bermuda's past Governors, and to the right is a multitude of other well heeled souls including a leading architect and a bunch of international financiers and lawyers. I think RYC is moving up in the world!

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