Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How do you make a Maltese cross?

Stamp on his foot ... of course!

Last time we were onboard the Star Flyer in Tahiti, we sailed under a Luxembourg flag... some deal with the EU benefits from having a ship built in Belgium. Now we are under the flag of Malta with the Maltese Cross flying on the stem of the Star Clipper. Apparently Malta is one of the few Euro zone countries where payroll taxes are not mandatory for the multi-national crew on the ship. Our crew hails mostly from India (engine room and deck hands), Thailand (dining and kitchen), Sweden (sports and social), Russia (sail riggers), Polish and Ukrainain (captain and officers who trained in the Soviet Navy tall ships) - and us the common cruisers mostly from US, UK, Canada, Germany, and a few other motley sources.

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