Sunday, June 15, 2014

New dock at RYC

Nothing like a new salt treated dock to brighten up the riverfront. RYC added another finger pier to allow access go Elektra on both sides for maintenance and boarding... total luxury.... now we need a nice 10-15 knot wind to go sailing!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Elektra back on rebuilt lift

Coast Guard Services Rappahannock River Buoys

Coast Guard cutter returns to Tappahannock with buoys #76 and #78 from Port Royal - buoys are being serviced as part of routine maintenance using Tappahannock as a temporary base port.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Post Barge Collision Reconstruction

Jes and crew from Edgewater Marine sinking 35 ft pilings to replace the broken and fractured pilings from the barge "HBM 3022" and tug "Evelyn Doris" collision. New 12500 lbs lift will be installed and Elektra remounted.