Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fruit de Mer - Rappahannock Style

After steaming it's much much less dangerous to pick up each crab and feel its weight! Depending on where they are in the moulting/shedding cycle some crabs will be fat, some will be light and not worth much effort in cleaning. Seasonally the crabs move back to the Bay for the winter and are generally fat in readiness for a dormant winter burying themselves deep into the mud of the Southern Bay, so typically crabs harvested at this time of the year are ripe for the picking!

Now, melt some butter and cut up lemon quarters, spread out the old newspapers and arm yourself with a small sharp knife and enjoy one of the best free meals in town - available on the Rivahaven Yacht Club menu when in season.  Lastly and by no means least, order up a glass of chilled Chardonnay or a light Lager - nothing compliments crab like this!  Bon appetit! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good meal: a great catch and well prepared. Just landed at LGA, but wish I had the day off and some time to visit the RYC


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