Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Short Cruises in Bermuda Habour

Late June after the stress of the RivahFest Duck Races we took off for a few days in Bermuda. The Fairmont has two resorts, one in Hamilton in town, where we were based, and one in Southampton on the South Coast where the Warterlot restaurant can be explored... the wonderful menu and atmosphere drew us - Emerson, Kathy, Margaret & David - back for more. On the way back across the harbour we were hit by a violent squall and were welcomed into the shelter of the wheelhouse by Captain Damien, The next day, by chance, we boarded the public catamaran ferry to the Bermuda Dockyard and were once again welcomed to a private crossing on the bridge of the high speed cat under the expert control of Captain Damien again - his day job - what a wonderful way to get to know the people, community and lifestyle of Bermuda!

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